
Make It Monday // Instax Perpetual Souvenir DIY

Our Michigan trip was a while ago but I can't get how beautiful the place was.  The beach had to be my favorite part.  Luckily, Zach thought enough to pick me up some lovely rocks from the lake.  There were big ones that I used for the simple DIY in the newsletter but the ones that were small were perfect for another souvenir DIY.

I picked up this jar for about $5 (the cheapest I've ever seen a Ball jar!) at an antique place while were were in Michigan.  When I realized the rocks were the right size to fit in a jar this photo display was born.  I pretty much couldn't wait to put it together.  Surprisingly, Zach loved both the Instax DIYs that I did.....awesome!

I chose a Ball jar with a lid which made it perfect because now I don't have to worry about dust getting in the jar.  I don't really like to dust!

Fitting as many of the rocks into the jar as possible, I wrote a title & a date at the top of the instax.  Positioning the photos so the rocks held them up, about two fit in.  I plan on tossing in a few instax each time we go to Lake Michigan.  Hopefully, we'll be going back a few times in the future.  I'll have a picture each time we go back with a date.  A perpetual souvenir that will grow with each year.

Right now this is sitting on the bookshelf in Zach's entry way, but it's final resting place is going to be on my new nightstand.  It is such a sweet way to remember out trip & trips to come.

Do you have a perpetual souvenir?  How do you remember your travels?
Check out my travel inspired pin board filled with cool travel inspiration.


  1. I like to get lapel pins that I keep on a cork strip on my fridge. They're small, easy to find, easy to pack in my suitcase, and if I'm overseas I never have to worry about getting them through customs.

  2. This is so sweet! I just snap a million photos when I travel!



  3. I looove DIY's Thanks for sharing this

    BTW followed you lovely blog. I hope you can follow me back =)

    SEe you!

    <3 Una

  4. This is such a simple and sweet idea! I love it- beautiful!

  5. I went to Ball State University & the founders were the Ball Brothers who also founded the Ball Canning Company that made the Ball jars. I now live in Anderson, IN about 20 minutes away from campus a& those jars are seriously a dime a dozen here! THey are all over our thrift stores and antique malls and you can get them for as cheap as .50 at Goodwill! Lots of times there are full shelves of them! I love them so much and they are scattered throughout my home! Love this DIY!

  6. OH my goodness! I swear they are like $8-$10 here. What the heck?!?! I feel a trip to Indiana is where it's at lol


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